The Voyage Begins: A Poster by Anthony Bacon Venti

  The Voyage Begins: A Poster by Anthony Bacon Venti

The Voyage Begins
27" x 34 5/8"
Signed: $125   Unsigned: $100

This all began quite innocently. To me, an old bookshop or library symbolizes the passage of time. Each page in every book has the potential to unlock our thoughts and ideas.  I  wanted  to create an ambiance that makes viewers feel inspired by their surroundings: A model Galleon (Note: The lantern glows on the transom!); the cast shadow of the palladian windows against the sun-streamed wall; a worn wooden floor with oil stains,  suggesting  a former tenant . . . could it have been a machine shop?   For me, the most overlooked quality is the sense of quiet — just the sound of an occasional creaking floor board.